The Staff Wellness Committee hosted the DSUSD Staff Bowling Event on Friday, May 31 at Fantasy Lanes. 19 teams and 114 staff members participated in a fierce and fun competition of 2 games to win trophies for best dressed, most participants and high score! Supporting staff and family joined in the fun cheering them from the concourse. The winners are as follows:
- Best Dressed "Nacho Average Bowler" from Carter Elementary- School
- Most Participants: Total of 24 staff: Carter Elementary School
- Highest Score: "High Rollers: with a combined team score of 700+ "Spare Me the Details" from La Quinta High School
Thank you to those from the Staff Wellness Committee that assisted with the event, being present at the event to greet and cheer, and for those that played! The enthusiasm, comradery, excitement, and collective effervescence was electric! As Assistant Superintendent Laura Fisher shared, "This is what staff wellness is all about!"