Desert Sands's Portrait of a Graduate

Portrait of a Graduate

Created by students, families, staff, and community members and adopted in 2023, the Desert Sands Unified School District’s Portrait of a Graduate represents a collective vision that articulates our aspirations for every student in our district. Our Portrait of a Graduate serves as a North Star for all of our schools - guiding our efforts and actions in each classroom across DSUSD.

The Portrait of a Graduate examines:

  • The hopes, dreams, and aspirations that our community has for our young people.
  • The skills and mindsets that our children need for success in this rapidly changing and complex world.
  • The implications for the design of the learning experiences—and equitable access to those experiences—we provide in our school systems.

We are committed to supporting each student in reaching the six competencies of the DSUSD Portrait of a Graduate!

Portrait of a Graduate descriptions

Video lessons from EverFi are available to help students understand the six Portrait of a Graduate competencies. The videos are specific to elementary, middle, and  high school levels. We ask that your student complete the video series for their school level and save the completion certificates awarded at the end of the video. Students can submit these certificates for a special recognition.

At DSUSD, we want to help you do well in life. We have identified these keys to success:

  1. Adaptability (being able to change)
  2. Collaboration (working well with others)
  3. Critical Thinking (thinking carefully)
  4. Empathy (being kind)
  5. Integrity (being honest)
  6. Communication (writing and talking clearly) 

Because we want you to be successful, we have found some videos for you to watch and learn from as you grow as a DSUSD student. Follow the instructions below to learn more.

Steps to log in to EVERFI (Quickstart Guide):

  1. Select the EVERFI app on ClassLink.
  2. On the upper right corner of your dashboard, enter your school's registration/course code from the table below, then click “Add Course.”
  3. Select your age range and then click “Next.” To complete your setup, create a username and password. Now click “Create Account.”
  4. Click “Start” on the course your teacher has assigned. When your class is over, go to the Settings icon on the top right corner and click “Log Out.” Your progress will be saved.

DSUSD Class Codes:

  • Eisenhower Community Education Center: 579b2e6b

Upon completion of each video, please save the competition certificate as a .pdf and email to [email protected].

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