There are over 2,700 employees at Desert Sands Unified School District, making us one of the largest employers in the Coachella Valley. The team has one shared mission. That mission is: to inspire and nurture every student…one opportunity at a time.
Each member of the staff takes this mission very seriously. From the teachers in the classrooms to the administrators setting policy to the bus drivers safely transporting students to the nutrition services workers preparing student food to the maintenance team keeping the classrooms and play areas clean – it is what we do.
Leadership within DSUSD understands the importance of that thank you, that pat on the back, and efforts are always made to show appreciation. This year, the opportunity to recognize that staff member with IT (incredible talent) goes a step further. The Desert Sands Educational Foundation worked with Superintendent Scott Bailey to create the new employee recognition program. IT was launched at the August convocation held at Fantasy Springs Event Center as Director of Community Engagement and Foundation Sean Webb introduced the program to DSUSD staff.
The DSUSD graphics services team stand among the banners they produced for convocation. The team also created the nomination forms for the IT program.
“Today we announced our new mission and vision statement along with the values that we stand on,” said Webb. “This makes today the perfect time to announce that the Desert Sands Educational Foundation has created the IT – Incredibly Talented – campaign to recognize how our staff meet those values every single day.” On stage were banners of the values that include: relationships, inclusion, equity, respect, teamwork, excellence, innovation, kindness, and service. Webb reached out to the community for support for this campaign and business responded with gift cards to be awarded via monthly drawings from the names of nominees. Donations continue to be received as well as hotel stays and upscale dinners to be used for end-of-the-school-year awards.
Winner Jaqueline Orduno with Sean Webb and Cathy Doyle, foundation board member.
There were close to 200 nominations for super staff members in both October and November. Nominations come from students, other staff, management, parents, and community members. Paper forms for nominations are available at every school site and at the district office. Online forms can be accessed by clicking here. Everyone in the community is invited to nominate that DSUSD staff member who makes a difference, who stops to help, who represents the commitment to students. A recent nomination came from a parent who commented about her daughter’s teacher, “…provides first and foremost an environment where students feel safe to share their ideas.” A co-worker nominated the school’s custodian noting, “…always engages with the students walking through campus, shaking their hands, talking with them, and laughing with them.” Another co-worker thanked the school’s administrative assistant writing, “…keeps the schoolrunning. She is organized and on top of things.”
Winner Frank Sima with Superintendent Scott Bailey and Sean Webb
Winners of restaurant gift cards for September were Gerald Ford Elementary School kindergarten teacher Jaqueline Orduno and groundsworker Frank Sima.
A full list of nominees can be found at https://www.dsusd.us/recognizeIT. Local businesses wishing to assist with the IT Employee Recognition Program can reach out to [email protected].
Note: Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 14 when the Desert Sands Educational Foundation presents the Third Annual CAMFest (Children’s Art and Music Festival). The event takes place at the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens where students of all grade levels perform and present. CAMFest takes place from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Presale tickets are available online by clicking here.Funds generated at this event will go directly back to the classroom to help fund arts programs in our schools.