Couches, chairs, coffee tables, and cars were on the move last week at many homes across Riverside County as family rooms, dining rooms, backyards, garages, driveways, and bedrooms were temporarily converted into dance studios for students who participated in week three of Art Connects, the Riverside County Office of Education’s virtual student arts competition.
Recordings of dances from 76 students of all ages included props, costumes, and culturally diverse dances from Mexico, India, Hawaii, and other choreographed connections to the theme, “Expressions of Kindness.” Student submissions came from public, private, charter, and home school locations throughout Riverside County with the following list of 30 winners in four age categories. Winners from Desert Sands Unified School District include:
TK-2nd Grade Category
Honorable Mention - River Moll, Gerald Ford Elementary, Desert Sands USD, Kindergarten
3rd-5th Grade Category
3rd Place - Gulmehr Contractor, George Washington Charter, Desert Sands USD, 4th Grade
Honorable Mention - Alice Steepleton, George Washington Charter, Desert Sands USD, 3rd Grade
6th-8th Grade Category
Honorable Mention - Violet Moll, John Glenn Middle, Desert Sands USD, 6th Grade
9th - 12th Grade Category
Honorable Mention - Nicole Salazar, Palm Desert High School, Desert Sands USD, 11th Grade
About Art Connects
In an effort to help students channel their creativity during mandatory school closures due to COVID-19, the Riverside County Office of Education launched Art Connects on March 24th as a virtual student arts competition open to all students in transitional kindergarten through 12th grade in Riverside County.
“Despite the closure of schools, students in Riverside County are continuing to create, dream, and express their ideas through their own unique talents and abilities,” said Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Judy D. White at the launch of the program. “Artistic expression is a healthy way for students to process their feelings, exercise their creative abilities, and expand their understanding of a changing world. These expressions have the power to uplift others and bring meaning to their life and the lives of others during challenging times.”
The competition is open to all students in grades TK-12 attending public, charter, private, parochial, or home school programs in Riverside County. For each of the six weeks, students can submit their contributions at www.rcoe.us/art-connects.
Winners will be announced in each grade level category approximately one week after the submission deadline for each week’s competition.
· 1st place award: $75 gift card from RCOE Foundation, plaque, and certificate of participation
· 2nd place award: $50 gift card from RCOE Foundation, and certificate of participation
· 3rd place award: $25 gift card from RCOE Foundation, and certificate of participation
· Honorable mention: Certificate of participation
“The roster of distinguished judges looking to support student artists includes Riverside County artists, poets, choreographers, actors, writers, educators, filmmakers, and musicians,” said Riverside County Arts Administrator, Louisa Higgins. “Judging criteria will include creativity/originality, connection to the weekly theme, artistic composition, and overall impression.”
Art Connects Competition and Submission Schedule:
· Week Four (April 15-21): CLOSED
o Medium: Theater
o Theme: Expressions of Persistence
· Week Five (April 22-28):
o Medium: Media Arts
o Theme: Expressions of Connections
· Week Six (April 29 – May 5):
o Medium: Music
o Theme: Expressions of Hope
Additional details on Art Connects are available at www.rcoe.us/art-connects or by contacting Louisa Higgins at [email protected].