Cadets from the 158th BN Rajah Cadets were busy achieving over the summer break (as they always are)!
From the recently graduated class of 2021;
Cadet Alberto Cortes has enlisted in the United States Air Force, and is currently waiting for a “Ship Date” to attend Air Force Basic Training. Alberto plans to work on his 4-year degree and join ROTC, seeking a commission upon graduating from college.
Cadet Brian Montoya has raised his right hand and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Brian will attend basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego. Cadets from the 158th BN hope to be able to attend Brian’s graduation.
Cadet Isaac Escobar, after working extremely hard on the ASVAB(and never accepting defeat!) will be enlisting in the United States Army and will attend Army Basic Combat Training (BCT) when a slot opens up. Isaac has expressed interest in also completing Army Basic Parachutist Training, which is better known as “Airborne” training, as well as attend Army Ranger School.
The 158th BN is extremely proud of each of the former Cadets and wishes them all the greatest success!
The California Cadet Corps (CACC) Summer Encampment was held the week after our school year ended. Due to the pandemic, Summer Encampment was limited to an elite group of Cadets numbering only 300 from the entire state of California (The entire CACC in California is composed of over 6000 Cadets state-wide).
Two Cadets, Cadet Zarahi Zaragoza and Cadet Madalynn Perez, attended Cadet Zaragoza attended the “Senior Leadership Academy” (SLA)and earned the “Honor Cadet” and will hence commission as a Cadet Officer. Cadet Zaragoza also attended Marksmanship Training and earned the “Honor Cadet” for this as well, scoring overall in 2nd place with a 270 out of 300 for the entire class! Cadet Perez, as a first-year Cadet, attended Medic training and became a qualified Cadet Medic as well as being Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certified.
Cadet Survival School, normally integrated into the CACC Summer Encampment, was held in mid-July this year. Three 158th BN Rajah Cadets attended; Cadet Zarahi Zaragoza, Cadet Edgar Espino, and Cadet Kristina Zaragoza. All three rose to the challenge and graduated from this extremely demanding course! This is the largest number of 158th BN Rajah Cadets to achieve this since the 2013-2014 school year.
Teacher & Commandant of Cadets, Stryker, Paul E. says, "I am proud of each of them for simply trying, but even more so, for their willingness to rise to the challenge and step outside of their comfort zone to achieve! I am proud of their fearlessness, toughness, and their willingness to challenge themselves and step outside of their comfort zone to conquer such a tough, demanding, and difficult course!"