Throughout the 2021-2022 school year all Desert Sands Unified School District students will receive breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch Program at no cost. Families are not required to complete meal applications in order to receive the free meals. However, families are being asked to complete the LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) Alternate Income Form. This form assists in providing the maximum state and federal funding to the schools. It can be found in the online registration process in ParentVUE.
In the next few weeks, Desert Sands Unified School District will be switching to a new online meal payment portal. Students with a positive fund balance will have those funds rolled over to the new system. At that time, you will be able to create an account and make payments through this new online system. Students may use these funds to select items outside the traditional school lunch program. Please check www.coolschoolmeals.com for updates. Refunds from existing accounts are available upon request.