Here at DSUSD, we are all about supporting our students district wide! And what better way to do that, then to showcase their beautiful artwork in our main hallway. Right now you can visit our Desert Sands USD main building, and take a walk down the hall to admire the paintings done by 7th and 8th graders at John Glenn MS. Yolanda Jue, the art teacher of these artistic minds, was so kind to allow us to showcase their talents and creativity!
Yolanda says, "Throughout my years of teaching, I have been privileged to have known young artists whose boundless curiosity, creativity, and imagination have produced works of art that have inspired and captivated my heart. The present works are but a small fraction of the many incredible works by my students. Each piece holds a beautiful memory and each piece speaks of a unique and precious human being. As we admire these works, let us remember the honor of being allowed to see through the eyes of a young mind; pure, honest, innocent and yet, fearless! This collection is a priceless treasure which I am proud to share with you."
Thank you Yolanda for being so dedicated to these students!
