Lyndon B. Johnson Has Heart!

The American Heart Association hosts the Kids Heart Challenge to teach students about heart health and others with special hearts, while also informing them about the ways they can raise funds for the health of all hearts.
They get moving with fun activities, learn about keeping their hearts and brains healthy and feel great for helping others!
One particular school, Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary helped raise over $3,000 for this amazing cause! The fundraiser ran through October 15 - November 12. 75 students registered for the fundraiser, and three actually raised over $300 each, which is so amazing! The special incentives offered for this fundraiser were:
- Every Student that raised $50 dollars or more would get to COLORBLAST Principal Fisher and earn a special mystery gift!! (Photos Below)
- The class with the most donations raised per grade would get an ice pop party and extra recess!
Thank you to all the amazing Heart Heroes that donated! If you or your school would like more information on the Kids Heart Challenge, CLICK HERE for more information!
Below are photos from the principal color-blast event!