They read the books. They discussed as a team. And then, they went to battle! This year's Desert Sands Unified School District Battle of the Books was a huge success.
The high school event was held on Wednesday March 9, 5:30 PM, at the Indio HS gym. The participating schools were Palm Desert High, Shadow Hills, La Quinta, and Indio High School. Once the battle was over, it was Palm Desert High School who took the gold!
The middle school event was held on Wednesday April 13, 5:30 PM, at Palm Desert Charter Middle School. The participating schools were PDCMS, John Glenn, Jefferson, and Indio Middle. In the end, it was PDCMS who took home the 1st place gold trophy and gold medals. With 2nd place being John Glenn, and 3rd place Jefferson Middle. 2nd place received silver medals, and 3rd place received bronze. Congratulations to you all for your amazing wins!
The elementary school event was held on April 27, 5:30 PM, at Indio High School. The participating schools were Dr. Carreon, Carrillo Ranch, Amelia Earhart, Gerald Ford, Ben Franklin, Andrew Jackson, LBJ, Kennedy, Lincoln, Monroe, Oliphant, Ronald Reagan, Roosevelt, and Truman. In the end, it was Truman Elementary who took home the 1st place gold trophy and gold medals. With 2nd place being Ben Franklin and James Monroe, and 3rd place Gerald Ford. 2nd place received silver medals, and 3rd place received bronze. Congratulations everyone!
DSUSD would like to thank all those who made these events possible. Especially a big thank you to the judges who volunteered their time, Ernestina Frias and Laura Cervera in the Kay King Media Center, who also helped organize, and collaborate with the sites.