Dear Families of Students at Desert Ridge Academy and Shadow Hills High School,
We have been asked by the Coachella Valley Water District to share the following message and attached map. Please note this communication indicates that the work will continue through August 31. We are monitoring the progress of the Water District and will send another message to you prior to the first day of school, August 16, 2022.
Please reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions.
Traffic Alert – Avenue 39
From June 13 through August 31, a short section of Avenue 39 in North Indio will be closed as a Coachella Valley Water District contractor continues work on a project to bring flood relief to the area.
Signs will redirect drivers around the closed 2/10 of a mile section. See detour map here.
Westbound drivers on Avenue 39 will be routed north on Jefferson Street, west on Avenue 38, south on Rancho Los Cerritos Drive back to Avenue 39.
Eastbound drivers will be routed north on Rancho Los Cerritos Drive, east on Avenue 38, south on Jefferson Street back to Avenue 39.
Access to Shadow Hills High School will not be affected.
CVWD encourages drivers to use caution in the area and thanks drivers for their patience during this time.
The North Indio Regional Flood Control Project is a 2.5 mile-long series of concrete flood control channels. They will connect with existing channels starting in Sun City Palm Desert and take flows through North Indio to channels in Sun City Shadow Hills that connect to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel.