Curriculum Council is composed of representative teachers and site administrators from all DSUSD elementary, middle and high schools. Curriculum Council is not a decision-making committee, but instead serves as an advisory board. Following a comprehensive process to research, analyze, and review new or proposed curriculum, Curriculum Council makes recommendations to the Superintendent and Board of Education. In accordance with Board Policy, all recommendations made by Curriculum Council are subject to review and revision by the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services and, in the case of special education curriculum, the Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services prior to being taken to the Board of Education for final approval.
Curriculum Council Composition
The composition of Curriculum Council is identified in Article 4 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between DSTA and DSUSD:
1 teacher representative from each elementary school
2 administrative representatives to represent all elementary schools
1 Senior Director of Curriculum & Instruction, designated by the Superintendent as the Chairperson of the Council
1 teacher representative from each middle school
2 teacher representatives from each comprehensive high school
1 teacher representative from each alternative high school
1 administrative representative from each high school
2 administrative representatives to represent all middle schools
1 Senior Director of Curriculum & Instruction, designated by the Superintendent as the Chairperson of the Council