The California Legislature and Desert Sands Unified School District believe that the individuals who are most affected by the operation of the school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how a school functions. The legislative intent is that education should be a joint effort of parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff - those whose common goal is the success of all students, as well as having the most direct and on-going contact with those students. To that end, Desert Sands has a variety of Parent Advisory Committees. Those coordinated by State & Federal Programs include: District Advisory Committee (DAC), District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Native American Education Committee. Each school establishes its own School Site Council (SSC). English Learner Advisory and School Advisory Committees (ELAC and SAC) are also established by each school, and members of those committees may vote to delegate their responsibilities to the SSC.
California Institute for School Improvement