Transfer requests for the 2024-2025 school year are still available based on space. You can click on the link below.
Children who turn 5 years old between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten.
Transfer requests for the 2025-2026 school year will be available starting December 4, 2024, through February 28, 2025.
2025-2026 school year any child who turns 4 years of age by September 1, 2025, is eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (T/K)
To request your transfer, go to
Visit Washington Charter Website
Visit Palm Desert Charter Middle Website
Transfers are allowed in Desert Sands Unified School District per Board of Education Policy, and are based on available space. For schools whose capacity will not allow for the number of applications submitted, an unbiased lottery process is made to fill available spots for applications that have been submitted on or before February 28, 2025. Applicants that are not chosen are placed in a waiting pool in case more spots open up at a later date.
A transfer request is required for:
- students that reside outside of Desert Sands USD boundaries (e.g. if your address falls into the area serviced by Palm Springs USD or Coachella Valley USD). These interdistrict transfer requests must be renewed on an annual basis.
- 5th grade and 8th grade students that reside in Desert Sands USD boundaries who are currently on a transfer and will be promoting to middle school or high school for the following school year.
A transfer request is NOT required annually if the student is already on a transfer, lives within Desert Sands USD boundaries, and is staying at the same school next year (as long as the address has not changed since first approved).
Please make sure to fill out the application according to your district of residence (e.g. if your child currently attends DSUSD but resides in CVUSD or PSUSD boundaries, you must select CVUSD or PSUSD as your district of residence, and then select DSUSD as the current district your child is attending, and then the district you would like to attend). Filling out a transfer request incorrectly may result in a delay in your request (e.g. errors in home address, district of residence, reason for transfer, etc.).
For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received. For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district more than 15 days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which transfer is sought.
An interdistrict transfer may be approved for any of the following reasons:
- Meet the child care needs of the student
- Meet the student’s special mental or physical health needs
- When the student has a sibling attending school in the receiving district
- To allow the student to complete a school year when the family has moved out of the district during that year
- Allow the student to remain with a class graduating that year from elementary, middle or senior high school
- To allow a high school senior to attend the same school attended as a junior
- When the parent/guardian provides written evidence that the family will be moving into the district in the immediate future
- When the student will be living out of the district for one year or less
- When recommended by the School Attendance Review Board or County Child Welfare, probation or Social Service agency
- When there is valid interest in a particular educational program not offered in the district of residence
- To provide a change in school environment for reasons of personal and social adjustment
Transportation is the responsibility of parent/guardian unless provided by specific grant provisions. A district transfer may be denied or revoked due to unsatisfactory attendance, citizenship, and scholarship. Failure of a parent/guardian to meet any established transfer timelines shall be deemed abandonment of the transfer request.
If you have any questions regarding transfers, or if you need assistance, please contact us by phone at (760) 771-8612, or by email at [email protected].
CLICK HERE to review DSUSD Board Policy 5117 regarding Interdistrict Transfers.
A parent or guardian who is physically employed within the DSUSD school boundaries for a minimum of 10 hours per week can apply to enroll their student through the Allen Bill option. Please see the links below to access an application and instructions for applying for Allen Bill Residency. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office. Should you need assistance or would like more information regarding Allen Bill Residency, please contact our Child Welfare and Attendance office at (760) 771-8612.
Allen Bill Residency Instructions & Application - English
Instrucciones y Solicitud para residencia por Allen Bill - Español
If a student is denied attendance at a school outside his/her district of residence, the student or student's parent/guardian may have an appeal to the Riverside County Board of Education. To submit an appeal or for more information, please follow the links below:
For Interdistrict Attendance Appeals: CLICK HERE
For information on Riverside County Board of Education: CLICK HERE
Please click on the links below to view a list of the documents that are required to register your child in Desert Sands Unified School District. For students entering transitional kindergarten or kindergarten, the Report of Health Examination for School Entry and Oral Health Assessment Form are both available for download at the bottom of this webpage.
Registration Requirements - English
Requisitos de inscripción - Español
If your address has recently changed, please contact our office at (760) 771-8612 or by emailing [email protected] for an immediate update to your child's address on file.
Adult Education Classes are free classes available to anyone in the community. Classes include High School Diploma (HSD) completion, Graduation Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation, English as a second language, citizenship classes, and more. Classes are offered both online and in-person at various locations throughout the district. To learn more, call the Eisenhower Community Education Center at (760) 775-3810.
DSUSD Adult Education Offices are located at the DSUSD Eisenhower Community Education Center.
Eisenhower Community Education Center
83391 Dillon Avenue, Indio CA 92201
Office Hours 8:00-3:00 M-F
(760) 775-3810