Welcome to all of the DSUSD team members who have joined us in 2020! It has certainly been an interesting and challenging time and thank you for sharing your talents with us.
Rebecca Lopez, art teacher, Palm Desert High School
Marissa Cruz, chemistry teacher, Indio High School
Rainer Luptowitz, chemistry/conceptual physics teacher, Indio High School
Arianna Manzano, chemistry teacher, Palm Desert High School
James Gutierrez, chemistry teacher, Palm Desert High School
Ernesto Saucedo Jr., counselor/teacher, James Monroe Elementary School
Meghan Romero, English teacher, Indio High School
Jennifer Cortez, English teacher, La Quinta High School
Joshua Griswold, English teacher, La Quinta High School
Victoria Ludford, math teacher, Desert Ridge Academy
Yovany Uribe, math teacher, Desert Ridge Academy
Austin Kemmerer, math teacher, Indio Middle School
Mia Arnold, math teacher, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School
Abraham Moreno, math teacher, Summit High School
Nereida Becerra, multiple subject teacher, Andrew Jackson Elementary School
Lidia Castro, multiple subject teacher, Andrew Jackson Elementary School
Carolyn Ramirez, multiple subject teacher, Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School
Rosa Iniguez, multiple subject teacher, Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School
Heather Claborn, multiple subject teacher, Amelia Earhart Elementary School
Cassandra Richmond, multiple subject teacher, Herbert Hoover Elementary School
Danielle Ducatte, multiple subject teacher, Martin Van Buren Elementary School
Bryana Pitt, multiple subject teacher, James Carter Elementary School
Aatika Nagrah, multiple subject teacher, Martin Van Buren Elementary School
Alexandra Kisling, multiple subject teacher, Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Kenna Walker, multiple subject teacher, Harry S. Truman Elementary School
Nina McGuane, music/choir teacher, La Quinta High School
Armando, Garduno, nurse/teacher, special education
Jeffrey Dodge, nurse/teacher, special education
Imelda Arias Halum, nurse/teacher, special education
Marissa Perales, physical education teacher, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Whitney Huyser, physical education teacher, Herbert Hoover Elementary School
Mackenzie MacFarlane, physical education teacher, Indio High School
Howard Clark, physical education teacher, Palm Desert Charter Middle School
Benjamin Fitzpatrick, physical education teacher, Indio High School
Nathalie Martinez, science teacher, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Jessica May, social science teacher, Palm Desert High School
Ana Perez, Spanish teacher, John Glenn Middle School
Michelle Lowrie Mendizabal, mild/moderate special education teacher, James Carter Elementary School
John Oaks, mild/moderate special education teacher, Desert Ridge Academy
Jane Lindsay, mild/moderate special education teacher, Earhart Elementary School
Victoria Rowe, mild/moderate special education teacher, Herbert Hoover Elementary
Eliana Ramirez, mild/moderate special education teacher, Shadow Hills High School
Natalie Parra, mild/moderate special education teacher, Gerald Ford Elementary School
Yanet Villicana, mild/moderate special education teacher, La Quinta Middle School
Christa Johnson, mild/moderate special education teacher, Palm Desert High School
Alexis Teague, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Zachary Whittet, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Ruth Holmes, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Heather Malagar, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Hannah Boiko, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Daniela Bosler, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Janet Finnegan Kelly, mild/moderate special education teacher, special education
Charity Plaxton Hennings, Ed.D., senior director of special education
Kimberley Springer, school psychologist, special education
Angela Viveros, school psychologist, special education
Donelle Clemens, school psychologist, special education
Phillip Gastelum, school psychologist, special education
Kerry Sperber, principal, Colonel Mitchell Paige Elementary School
Kristen Wood, coordinator of LCAP, strategy & performance
Karen Hernandez, assistant principal, Shadow Hills High School
Jolene Cyr, school site monitor, Ronald Reagan Elementary School
Jaime Bikis, supervisor of expanded learning, education services
Denise Castro Mojica, accounting technician, Palm Desert High School
Elena Escarsega, paraeducator/signer, Desert Ridge Academy
Celedonio Mejia Rosales, sprinkler system specialist
Claudia Montiel, office specialist/bilingual, special education
Maria Wise, budget technician, fiscal services
Blanca Nuno, administrative assistant, Benjamin Franklin Elementary
Arturo Chavez, groundskeeper I
Sandra Martinez, LVN, special education
Kimberly Moen, LVN, special education
Sandra Walker, LVN, special education
Alex Esquibel Pool, maintenance worker
Sandra Martinez, LVN, special education
Kimberly Moen, LVN, special education
Sandra Walker, LVN, special education
Adelita Whitener, confidential administrative assistant, personnel
Erika Flores, accounting supervisor
Ileana Vasquez, paraeducator bilingual, early childhood education
Eduardo Borja, Jr., paraeducator bilingual, Ronald Reagan Elementary School
Yvonne Caballero, paraeducator bilingual, Adams Early Childhood Learning Center
Claudia Gomez, paraeducator, bilingual, Ronald Reagan Elementary School
Belen Gomez de Romero, school site monitor, Andrew Jackson Elementary School
Jose Lopez, paraeducator, special education, James Madison Elementary
Adela Silva, school site monitor, Andrew Jackson Elementary School
Gabriela Hernandez, paraeducator, bilingual Herbert Hoover Elementary School, Head Start program
Donavan Iturriaga Hernandez, bus driver
Vicente Leon, bus driver