Today, La Quinta Middle School was one of 205 schools from 43 states across the country to receive a $5,000 grant through the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. Mrs. Laura Bush joined Kelly Clarkson on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” to announce that the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries awarded more than $1 million in library grants this year.
According to Principal Dan Borgen, Ed.D., of La Quinta Middle School, a STEM school of Desert Sands Unified School District, “It is important that school library collections are tailored to meet the needs of students. Funds received will be instrumental in diversifying our collection to ensure it is representative and inclusive of the students we serve, as well as increasing literacy skills and access to students of varied abilities. Thank you to the Laura Bush Foundation for selecting La Quinta Middle STEM Academy as a recipient.”
Grant applications for the 2021-2022 school year will open in late 2021. Visit to learn more.