Desert Sands's Ronald Reagan Penny Drive for Ukraine

Ronald Reagan Penny Drive for Ukraine

Ronald Reagan Penny Drive
Posted on 04/26/2022
Reagan Students

Ronald Reagan Elementary is a school that not only cares about their community, but the world as a whole. When students first heard about the war in Ukraine, their first instinct was to help raise money for the children of Ukraine. How did they do this you may ask? Through a school-wide penny drive!

The penny drive was held from March 14-25, and it had the entire school participating. At the end of the drive, the total amount of money collected was $2,492.06. And if you take that and convert it to Ukrainian Hryvnia that’s 72,904.97. And the best part is that this was all put together, and run by the school student government! Kids helping other kids!

When asked about the penny drive, Ronald Reagan Principal, Mark Baldwin, had this to say, “Reagan Eagles have always cared about our larger community. When the invasion of Ukraine began and our students were seeing images of kids their own age displaced by war, it really hit home for them. A group of our students asked the student council if they would sponsor a penny drive for the Children of Ukraine. Our Early-Act/Student Government jumped at the idea. They planned and ran the two week drive. Our students were very happy to feel like they made a positive difference for other kids.”

Desert Sands is incredibly proud of the heart our students have! Thank you to all of the students and staff at Ronald Reagan Elementary, especially the student council and all who donated. These actions are what help make the world a better place!

If you would also like to donate and help the kids of Ukraine, visit!

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