Desert Sands's Volunteer in DSUSD

Volunteer in DSUSD

Desert Sands Unified School District is pleased that you have offered to act as a volunteer. The Superintendent has established volunteer procedures to protect the safety of students, staff, parents, and other community members. (Ed Code §49406(f), 35021.1, 35021.2) 

Child Abuse Mandated Reporting

In 2014, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1432 (Chapter 797, Statutes of 2014). This new law went into effect on January 1, 2015, and requires California school districts to annually train mandated reporters on their child abuse reporting obligations under the law.

Volunteers: Mandated Reporter Training is an additional "clearance" that needs to be done by all volunteers BEFORE being approved. Although Volunteers are not mandated reporters, it is a requirement of the district to train all volunteers.

Volunteer Rights Descriptions:
Derechos de los voluntarios:

Non-Supervisory Rights - grant the ability to volunteer at the school site; classroom, library, clerical, fundraising, reading programs, school beautification, breakfast/lunch programs, dance chaperones, and special events. **No field trips, tutoring, coaching/choir**
Voluntario que no supervisa - le ofrece la posibilidad de trabajar como voluntario en la escuela en las siguientes áreas: aula, biblioteca, oficina, recaudación de fondos, programas de lectura, embellecimiento de la escuela, programas de desayuno/almuerzo, chaperón de bailes y eventos especiales. **No incluye supervisar en viajes de estudio, excursiones, tutoría, entrenamientos deportivos o el coro**

Supervisory Rights (fingerprints required) - include all the non-supervisory volunteering rights, but also grants the ability to participate in field trips, tutoring, and coaching/choir.
Voluntario que supervisa (huellas dactilares requeridas) - incluye todos los derechos de voluntariado sin supervisión. Además, se le autoriza a supervisar en viajes de estudio, excursiones, tutorías, entrenamientos deportivos, y el coro.

Walk-On Coach Rights (fingerprints required) - are for volunteer coaches only and will include all of the volunteering rights of a supervisory volunteer. There may be further vetting steps needed before approval of your volunteer coaching application.
Entrenador obtenido fuera del distrito (huellas dactilares requeridas) - sólo se aplica a entrenadores voluntarios e incluirá todos los derechos que corresponden a un voluntario que supervisa. Puede que sea necesario hacer una revisión más profunda de los antecedentes antes de aprobar su solicitud de voluntariado como entrenador.

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